Low Vision Aids in Charlotte, NC
Low vision aids in Charlotte, NC, can revolutionize the way you look at life. If you’re struggling with low vision, those things you once took for granted may be slowly disappearing. It may become challenging or impossible to drive. You may have difficulty reading street signs, seeing your computer screen, or understanding what’s written on whiteboards. Low vision affects your work and your personal life, and it can affect the way you feel about yourself, as well. If you need low vision aids in Charlotte, NC, Dr. Edward Paul may be the solution.
What Is Low Vision?
If you have low vision, this means you suffer from a condition that can’t be improved through normal means, such as wearing prescription eyeglasses or having eye surgery. But this doesn’t mean help isn’t available. Through the use of low vision aids, such as telescopic glasses, reading prisms, and light-filtering lenses, Dr. Edward Paul can help you learn to manage your condition. While there is currently no cure for low vision, there are many useful tools and practices you can use to enhance your view of life.
How Do Low Vision Aids Help?
Low vision aids in Charlotte, NC, help you make the most use of the vision you have left, while helping to prevent further degeneration. They help you manage conditions such as night blindness, loss of your central or peripheral vision, or vision that appears hazy or blurred. While you may never have the perfect vision you once enjoyed, you can benefit from a much-improved quality of life through the prescription of low vision aids in Charlotte, NC.
Call The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina
For assistance with low vision aids in Charlotte, NC, call The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina. Dr. Edward Paul is a world-renowned authority on macular degeneration, its causes, symptoms, and treatment. Call today to schedule a low-vision consultation.