What is Low Vision Care?

Low vision is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a term used to describe significant visual impairment that cannot be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery. Individuals with low vision may have difficulty performing everyday activities such as reading, driving, or recognizing faces.

The professional team at Dr. Edward Paul, OD, Ph.D., of Wilmington, NC, is proud to serve the local community with premium low-vision care services to help restore your confidence in a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Low vision care is specialized to help individuals with low vision maximize their visual abilities and maintain their independence. It is a collaborative effort between ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other healthcare professionals specializing in low-vision care.

This also focuses on helping individuals with low vision make the most of their remaining vision through visual aids, environmental modifications, and training. The goal is to help individuals with low vision achieve their goals and maintain independence.

Why is Low Vision Care Important?

Low vision can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. It can make it difficult or impossible to perform everyday tasks, such as reading, writing, cooking, or driving. This can lead to frustration, isolation, and a loss of independence.

We can help individuals with low vision overcome these challenges by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to maintain their independence and quality of life. By working with a low-vision specialist, individuals with low vision can learn how to use visual aids, make environmental modifications, and develop new skills to help them achieve their goals.

Types of Services and Devices Available for Low-Vision Care

Visual aids are devices that can help individuals with low vision make the most of their remaining vision and should complement proper glasses or contacts. There are many different types of visual aids available, including:

  • Magnifiers: Magnifiers are handheld devices that can be used to enlarge text and images.
  • Telescopes: Telescopes are devices that can see distant objects more clearly.
  • Microscopes: Microscopes are devices that can see small objects more clearly.
  • Filters: Filters are devices that can enhance contrast and reduce glare.
  • Electronic devices: Electronic devices, such as video magnifiers and screen readers, can be used to enlarge text and images or convert text to speech.

Environmental Modifications

Environmental modifications involve changing an individual’s environment to make it easier to see and navigate. Some common ecological changes include:

  • Increased lighting: Adding more lighting can help make it easier to see.
  • Contrast enhancement: Adding contrast to surfaces, such as painting door frames a contrasting color, can help make them easier to see.
  • Organizational tools: Using administrative tools, such as label makers and high-contrast calendars, can help individuals with low vision stay organized.

Your Trusted Low Vision Care Expert

Low vision can be a challenging condition to live with, but with the proper care and support, patients can lead fulfilling and independent lives. Low-vision care professionals, including optometrists, ophthalmologists, and occupational therapists, can provide patients with the tools and resources to maximize their vision and maintain their quality of life. Suppose you or a loved one is living with low vision. In that case, it’s essential to seek out the care of a qualified low-vision specialist who can help you navigate the challenges of this condition and find the solutions that work best for you.

During your next appointment with the proficient team at Dr. Edward Paul, OD, Ph.D., of Wilmington, NC, you can be sure you are receiving the utmost care and guidance you and your unique situation deserve.

World Glaucoma Week

See Clearly into the Future: The Importance of World Glaucoma Week

World Glaucoma Week is an annual event held every March to raise awareness about glaucoma, the leading cause of preventable irreversible blindness worldwide. The week is marked by special global awareness events and activities.

According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, it is estimated that over 3 million Americans have glaucoma, but only about half of them are aware of their condition. This is why it is so important to spread awareness about glaucoma and the role that low vision doctors can play in helping those with the disease.

Glaucoma is often called the “silent thief of sight” because it can develop gradually and without symptoms until significant vision loss occurs. The most common type of glaucoma, called open-angle glaucoma, develops slowly over time and can be painless. In fact, many people with glaucoma do not experience any symptoms until they have already lost a significant amount of vision.

This is where our low vision doctors play a crucial role. We specialize in helping people with vision loss caused by a variety of conditions, including glaucoma. We help people with glaucoma manage their vision loss and continue to lead independent, fulfilling lives.

One of the main ways that we can help those with glaucoma at the Low Vision Centers of North Carolina is by providing low vision aids and devices. These can include special prescription binocular glasses (often bioptic telescopes) and other aids that help people with vision loss to see better. By using these aids and glasses, people with glaucoma can continue to read, watch TV, and perform other activities that they enjoy.

Our low vision doctors can also work with other healthcare providers to provide comprehensive care for those with glaucoma. This can include working with ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other specialists to ensure that people receive the best possible care for their condition and know all of their options.

If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma or are at risk for the disease, it is important to schedule regular eye exams with an eye doctor. This can help to detect glaucoma early and ensure that it is managed effectively. In addition to regular eye exams, our low vision doctors also provide specialized care for those with glaucoma.

To get the most out of your low vision doctor appointment, it is important to come prepared with questions and concerns. You may want to ask your low vision doctor about specific low vision aids and devices that can help you to see better.

Glaucoma doesn’t have to slow you down. Call our office today to schedule your glaucoma screening or low vision evaluation to learn about your options. 910-720-4187