The Signs and Symptoms of Low Vision in Children

Low vision is expected when you’re older, but when it happens to a child, it can be worrisome. There are many causes of low vision in children, and your optometrist in Asheville, NC, can perform an exam to identify the cause and provide you with a treatment plan. But what are the causes of low vision, and how do you know if your child has low vision?

The Most Common Causes of Low Vision

Some of the most common causes of low vision include an incorrectly shaped eye(s), a problem in the brain, damaged eyes, or a child being born with it.

The Signs and Symptoms of Low Vision in Children

Here are some of the things you should look for, and if you think your child is having vision issues, you should schedule a low vision exam in Asheville, NC, immediately.

  • Squinting or excessive blinking
  • Closing or covering one eye to see
  • Complaints about blurry vision
  • Excessive blinking
  • Head tilting or unusual head positions
  • Holding objects very close to or far from the eyes
  • Vision-related developmental delays
  • Activity avoidance

Other things to watch out for are if your child’s eyes are watery, or both of their eyelids look red-rimmed, swollen, or crusted, or if one of their eyes looks out or crossed.

When Should You Have Your Child Tested for Low Vision?

  • Newborn to three months of age.
  • Six months to one year of age.
  • Around three years of age.
  • Around five years of age.

Having your child routinely tested for low vision is especially important if you have a family history of vision problems.

Do You Need an Optometrist in Asheville, NC?

If you have been looking for an optometrist in Asheville, NC, please Contact Dr. Edward Paul at The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina today. If your optometrist has told you there is nothing they can do to help you or your child achieve better vision, there’s a good chance our optometrists can help. It might not be perfect, but we might be able to make it better.


Navigating the Roads with Clarity: The Revolution of Bioptic Telescopes for Driving

In the ever-evolving landscape of assistive technologies, bioptic telescopes have emerged as a game-changer, providing a renewed sense of independence for individuals with visual impairments. Specifically designed to enhance vision for those with certain eye conditions, bioptic telescopes are transforming the driving experience, allowing individuals to hit the road with confidence and safety.

Understanding Bioptic Telescopes

Bioptic telescopes are optical devices that combine a traditional eyeglass prescription with a small telescope mounted above the regular eyeglass lenses. This innovative design enables users to switch between their regular vision and magnified vision seamlessly, offering a telescopic view of distant objects while maintaining a broader field of vision for everyday activities.

Who Benefits from Bioptic Driving?

  1. Low Vision Individuals: Bioptic telescopes are particularly beneficial for those with low vision, including conditions such as macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa. These devices enhance the ability to see distant road signs, traffic signals, and other essential details while driving.
  2. Legally Blind Drivers: In some regions, individuals who are legally blind may be eligible for a driver’s license with the use of bioptic telescopes. This inclusion opens up new possibilities for increased mobility and independence.

How Bioptic Telescopes Work for Driving

  1. Spotting Distant Objects: The telescopic component of these glasses allows users to zoom in on distant objects like road signs or traffic signals. This magnified vision assists in recognizing crucial details that might be challenging with conventional eyewear.
  2. Maintaining Peripheral Vision: Unlike using a traditional telescope, bioptic telescopes are designed to maintain peripheral vision. This is essential for safe driving as it enables users to be aware of their surroundings while benefiting from magnified vision when needed.

The Training Process

Acquiring and effectively using bioptic telescopes for driving involves a comprehensive training process. This includes learning to efficiently switch between regular and telescopic vision, mastering the control of the telescopic component, and practicing in various driving scenarios to ensure safe and confident navigation.

Breaking Barriers and Building Independence

The introduction of bioptic telescopes in the realm of driving has shattered preconceived notions about visual impairments and mobility. By offering a viable solution for individuals with specific eye conditions, these telescopes are empowering people to reclaim a sense of independence and freedom on the roads.

Looking Towards the Future

As technology continues to advance, bioptic telescopes for driving may see further refinements and improvements. Increased awareness, accessibility, and continued research are vital for ensuring that this transformative technology reaches those who can benefit most, fostering a more inclusive approach to transportation.

In conclusion, bioptic telescopes have transcended the realm of vision correction; they have become a beacon of hope and opportunity for individuals with visual impairments. By providing a pathway to safe and independent driving, these telescopes are rewriting the narrative on what’s possible, one road trip at a time.