Treatment Options for Low Vision
Low vision can be a debilitating concern. Many patients with low vision feel that there is little hope for them to be able to see again. However, with the help of Dr. Edward Paul, OD, PhD and the team at The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina, you can get help for your low vision. Here are some popular treatment options for low vision.
Telescopic Glasses
Telescopic glasses are specially designed glasses for people with a visual acuity of 0.3 or lower. They have thick, heavy lenses with a magnification area added to them that will zoom in on what the person is looking at. The wearer simply positions their head to look through this telescopic lens to see better what they are looking at. With the help of Dr. Paul, patients with low vision can read and play music, drive, and watch television.
Side Vision Awareness Glasses
Another concern that people with low vision may have is a lack of peripheral vision. Side Vision Awareness Glasses treat this type of low vision, helping bring the side vision into the patient’s primary viewing area so that they can see what is happening on their peripheral. At The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina, we are specially trained to provide patients with the Vision Awareness Glasses System.
Low Vision Rehabilitation
Sometimes, the key to treating low vision is not special glasses, but actually supportive care and lifestyle changes. Sometimes, environmental modifications and nutritional or lifestyle counseling can bring enough positive change to help you adapt to your low vision concerns. Our low vision rehabilitation specialists will help you evaluate the types of changes that will work best for you.
Help for low vision is available. Contact Dr. Edward Paul, OD, PhD to schedule an evaluation appointment today.