Entries by The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina

How Telescopic Glasses Can Help with Low Vision

Low vision can make completing everyday tasks challenging, from reading to driving to working on the computer. The good news is that telescopic glasses in Wilmington, NC can significantly improve your quality of life. What Are Telescopic Glasses? Telescopic lenses are miniature binoculars designed for people whose visual acuity is 0.3 or lower. Visual acuity is another […]

How Sports Vision Therapy Works

Sports vision therapy is a type of vision training to help patients improve how well they see. Unlike reading glasses or corrective contact lenses, sports vision training is aimed at patients with good vision. Once you have 20/20 vision, you can improve your vision capabilities safely and healthily. Learn more about sports vision training and […]

The Best Low Vision Aids Available

If you have low vision in Wilmington, NC, these are some of the best low-vision aids available. An eye doctor will be your best resource for recommending the right low-vision devices for your specific situation. Vision Buddy Device Vision Buddy (similar to a virtual reality headset) is a TV hub that connects to your streaming […]

Elevating Eye Care Standards: A Look at The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina’s Professional Affiliations

In the realm of healthcare, professional associations play a crucial role in advancing knowledge, promoting best practices, and fostering a sense of community among practitioners. At The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina, our doctors harness the power of several reputable professional associations to provide the highest standard of care for people with visual impairments. […]

Living Fully with Low Vision: The Importance of Low Vision Rehabilitation for Geographic Atrophy

As low vision optometrists, our mission at The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina is to help those with geographic atrophy make the most of their vision and maintain their independence in daily life. We’ve come across an enlightening study that emphasizes the significant benefits of low vision rehabilitation for those living with this condition. […]

Enhancing Visual Clarity: How Low Vision Centers of North Carolina Helps Those with Cataracts

As low vision doctors, our primary goal is to empower individuals with cataracts by maximizing their remaining vision and equipping them with the necessary tools and strategies to navigate their daily lives. As a low vision doctor, I have personally witnessed the profound impact that cataracts can have on a person’s vision and overall well-being. […]