3 Benefits of Low Vision Aids

Low vision aids is a broad term that can apply to a variety of specialty magnification aids. These products can include anything from loupes to telescopes to magnifying reading glasses. Unlike typical eyeglasses or magnifiers, these products are excellent for helping people with poor vision see a little clearer. If you’re looking for low vision aids in Charlotte, NC, we’ll look at the benefits of this decision.

Better Distance Viewing

Low vision aids were designed for people who need more assistance than your traditional pair of contacts or glasses can give. So if you need to be able to see farther, you can use low vision aids to give you a crisper picture of what lies beyond.


Whether you’re reading small print or washing the dishes, low vision aids are designed to be task-specific, which can make your life a lot easier. In fact, much of the technology today is focused on creating portable devices that can be adjusted depending on what you’re up to throughout the day.

More Options

Low vision can interfere with your life in both expected and unexpected ways, and the frustration can cause people to skip the activities they love. Low vision aids can be a way to open the door to getting back to things you may have been missing out on.

Find an Optometrist in Charlotte, NC

If you’re looking for an optometrist in Charlotte, NC, The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina is here to help. Low vision aids come in an array and choosing isn’t always as simple as meets the eye. No matter what you’re looking for, we’re here to point you to the best technology available.


Can Low Vision Be Reversed?

When most people think of low vision, blindness is the first thought that comes to mind. However, it is not considered to be blindness, since limited sight does still remain. But for those who suffer with this condition, it cannot be corrected by standard glasses, contact lenses, or even surgery. If you are questioning whether or not low vision can be reversed, keep the following information in mind when you visit with your eye doctor in Charlotte, NC.

What Causes Low Vision?

If you suffer from low vision, it was likely caused by diabetes, glaucoma, or age-related macular degeneration. Should your low vision in Charlotte, NC be caused by diabetic retinopathy, certain treatments may be available to maintain your current vision or possibly restore some vision. Yet in most cases, low vision will be permanent.

Common Types of Low Vision

Unfortunately, there are many types of low vision in Charlotte, NC. These include a loss of central or peripheral vision, night blindness, blurry vision, and hazy vision, which is characterized by your entire field of vision seeming to be covered by a glare or film.

Low Vision Aids Can Help

While your low vision may be permanent, the good news is that there are many different types of low vision aids that can improve your vision and quality of life. The most common include specialized telescopic glasses, magnifying glasses, hand magnifiers, and reading prisms. Should you suffer from retinitis pigmentosa and have no useful vision whatsoever, a retinal prosthesis may be an option. Able to partially restore vision, you may be able to successfully navigate sidewalks and doorways, read large lettering, and other tasks.

Since low vision cannot usually be reversed, prevention is key to maintaining as much of your sight as possible. Should you be diabetic or have other health conditions that could put your eyesight at risk, schedule regular appointments with your eye doctor in Charlotte, NC.

Why Do I Have to Blink So Much?

In most cases, people blink unconsciously. The blink reflex is spontaneous and generally happens so fast that it goes unnoticed. Most people would be hard-pressed to guess how many times they blink in the span of a minute. The “normal” number of blinks in a minute ranges from 15 times and 20 times, but of course, everyone is different. In general, you don’t have to worry if your blink rate is in the normal range. But there are times when your blinking is worth a second look.

When Blinking Changes Dramatically

If you all of a sudden notice that you need to blink a lot more or less than usual, you might want to see an eye doctor. Changes in blink rates can indicate that something is going on with your eyes.

For instance, you may develop a condition known as dry eyes. Dry eyes syndrome is a serious condition that means your eyes are not getting the moisture they need to be healthy. Dry eyes can be caused by:

  • Temporary external conditions
  • Physical deformity or malfunction in the eye
  • Eye injury
  • Lifestyle

If you notice that your blinking rate has increased or noticeably decreased, contact your eye doctor in Wilmington or Charlotte. Never ignore this development, as further damage to the eye could occur if it’s not treated promptly.

Computer Use and Blinking

A disturbing research report shows that people who use their computers for extended periods of time blink up to 66 percent less. You recall that blinking adds moisture to the surface of the eye, you can see that this lifestyle habit isn’t healthy. To prevent this occurrence, take regular breaks from the computer or at least look away at something in the distance.

Don’t ignore changes in your blinking habits. Your eye doctor in Charlotte or Wilmington will be able to help diagnose any problem and get you treated accordingly.


What to Expect During a Low Vision Evaluation

How do you know you could benefit from a low vision exam? A low-vision eye exam is specifically suited to individuals who have certain signs they are suffering from low vision, such as eye fatigue and trouble seeing close-up items. Here are a few questions you may have about what to expect during your low-vision exam with us at The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina.

How long will the full evaluation take?

In general, you can expect your low vision exam to take about an hour. Part of that time will be spent discussing your family medical history, your medical history, and your existing and prior optometric health concerns. In order to get a full understanding of what could be affecting your vision, we take our time to get to know your eyes and you.

What aspects of your vision will be tested?

Several types of visual tests will be performed during the low vision exam. In many cases, tests will be individualized depending on what we suspect could be causing your issues. A few examples of tests that may be performed during your low vision exam include:

  • Depth perception tests to examine how your eyes are perceiving depth from various angles
  • Visual field tests to detect issues in either your central or peripheral vision
  • Color vision testing to accurately reveal issues with color perception
  • Visual acuity tests to determine vision capabilities from various distances

By the end of your full exam, we will have a much better understanding of how you see and how we could potentially help.

Contact Us for a Low Vision Evaluation in Charlotte

Low vision issues can affect your quality of life, but we may be able to help. Contact us at the office of The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina to schedule an appointment for your low vision evaluation in Charlotte, NC.