How Are Telescopic Glasses Helpful?

For anyone who experiences low vision,telescopic eyeglasses in Wilmington, NC are real gamechangers. These devices implement small telescopes that are embedded into the actual eyeglass lenses. If you had to describe what they’re similar to, imagine if you could constantly hold a telescope up to your eyes when you couldn’t see well. Of course, that’s not practical. But with telescopic glasses, a person with low vision can enjoy that experience seamlessly.

What Telescopic Glasses Make Possible

Those who have telescopic glasses have proclaimed how much value these glasses have given them. They make it possible to get a job, work on a computer, enjoy favorite hobbies like reading, playing games, sewing, cooking, knitting and so much more. The emotional and practical benefits of regaining independence are immeasurable.

Support for Detailed Tasks

Individuals with low vision often struggle with fine print, and with doing things that require precision. Think of reading the labels on foods at the grocery store, threading a need, pushing buttons on the TV clicker, or even buttoning up a child’s coat in the winter. For these tasks and more, telescopic eyeglasses are lifesavers.

Distance Vision Enabled

When you think about all the situations where distance viewing is necessary, you can see how beneficial these eyeglasses are. Seeing road signs, watching television or just being able to see where your children are on the soccer field or in the backyard—-it all becomes significantly easier, since telescopic glasses enhance distance vision, too.

Customized for Your Needs

Each pair of telescopic glasses is custom-designed to meet the user’s specific vision requirements. The optometrist assesses the individual’s condition and lifestyle needs, ensuring that the lenses are optimized for activities like driving or reading.

If you or a loved one faces challenges due to low vision, telescopic glasses could provide the clarity and confidence needed to navigate life with ease. Consult with yourWilmington, NC optometrist today to explore this innovative option.

Does AR Really Work for Low-Vision?

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality have become hot topics in multiple industries, and the optometry field is no exception. If you’ve heard of AR for low vision, we’ll look at how the technology supports the wearer’s eyesight through contrast and magnification. From audio cues to visual aids, these tools convey important information about how a person can live within the material world.

How Does AR Work?

Whether it’s a handheld device or a headset, the low vision tools in Charlotte, NC, come down to clarity. It can make objects look much bigger than they are and show the edges of different types of objects with the help of bright colors. In addition to visual aids, the technology can also provide audio cues, letting people know what’s around them and what they can do to safely use or bypass whatever happens to be in front of them.

Is AR Worth the Investment?

Right now, AR is still in relatively early development, so that the devices may present some inconvenience to the wearer. For instance, an AR headset may be able to help people with low vision see clearly, but it may not be easy to wear the equipment on a regular basis. There are companies out there attempting to bring AR in a convenient package to the masses by making glasses and contacts that incorporate the technology without the need for bulky equipment.

Low Vision Rehabilitation in Wilmington, NC

If you’re looking for a low vision specialist, Dr. Edward Paul, OD, PhD has offices in Wilmington, Charlotte, and Asheville, NC. It’s our job to tell you more about which tools are on the market, how they work, and whether they can fit in with your goals and lifestyle. Contact us today if you’re interested in AR for low vision.

How Telescopic Glasses Can Help with Low Vision

Low vision can make completing everyday tasks challenging, from reading to driving to working on the computer. The good news is that telescopic glasses in Wilmington, NC can significantly improve your quality of life.

What Are Telescopic Glasses?

Telescopic lenses are miniature binoculars designed for people whose visual acuity is 0.3 or lower. Visual acuity is another term for visual clarity, or how well you can see objects up close and at a distance.

The lenses in these specialty glasses are thicker than you would find in standard glasses. When you look through your telescopic lenses in a certain way, images zoom into focus and become clearer. Also known as bioptic lenses, telescopic lenses attach to your regular glasses. You can also attach the lens to only the left or right side if you struggle with low vision in only one eye.

How to Use Your New Visual Aid

Getting used to wearing your telescopic lenses over your regular glasses takes a little time. You need to move your eyes in an upward direction or tilt your head to the left or right, depending on what you need to make clearer. Taking these actions allows you to look through the bioptic sight line for improved visual acuity.

The power of telescopic lenses

These miniature binoculars have four times the power of regular prescription eyeglasses. Imagine that you can only see objects clearly five feet in front of you, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses. Telescopic glasses increase that to 20 feet, which is especially important for driving. You want to be able to read road signs and see objects on the road clearly without having to be only feet away.

We invite you to schedule a consultation to learn more about telescopic glasses in Wilmington, NC, today.

A Look at the 5 Optical Elements of E-Scoop Contrast Enhancing Glasses for Low Vision

Low vision issues can be hard to avoid as you age, but the number of available aids is ever-growing as new optical solutions are discovered. E-scoop contrast-enhancing glasses are a good example; these glasses are designed to provide a clearer, larger view of the world around you. Here is a look at the five optical elements of E-scoop glasses and how they can be beneficial for people with vision problems.

1. Base-Up (BU) or Base-Down (BD) Prism

Base-up and base-down prism refer to where the central point of the lenses should be located in reference to the position of the eye. E-scoop contrast lenses are carefully created by taking specific measurements to determine where the BU or BD prism should be situated on each lens.

2. Base Curve

The base curve refers to the direct curvature of the lens itself. For example, someone with certain visual problems may need a more concaved base curve to support better vision.

3. Specific Thickness

The thickness of lenses can enhance and even shift what is being viewed through a lens. With e-scoop contrast-enhancing glasses, the specific thickness will be determined according to your usual glasses prescription.

4. Custom Tint

Custom tint allows you to pick and choose the type or shade of tint that best clarifies what it is that you see through a lens. For instance, an individual with diabetic neuropathy may have issues in bright sunlight, but may not see well through dark-tinted glasses.

5. Anti-Reflective Film

An anti-reflective coating on the outside of lenses helps to reflect some of the UV rays outward away from the eye. However, this feature also helps to thwart issues with glare, which can generate vision problems for some low-vision patients.

Let’s Talk About Low Vision in Charlotte, NC

Low vision issues can have an effect on your life, but there may be ways we can help. Reach out to us at The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina to schedule an appointment for help.

Telescopic Eyeglasses: What Are They and Who Could Benefit

A large portion of the population relies on eyeglasses to see and get around. However, for some people, just glasses are not enough, and for some, even bifocal or trifocal lenses are also not enough. In these cases, it may be worth looking at telescopic eyeglasses as a possible option.

Telescopic Eyeglasses Explained

Telescopic eyeglasses are specially designed prescription glasses that have miniature binoculars or a monocular mounted in certain positions on the glasses. These glasses are created using an in-depth examination of the patient’s visual abilities, with the telescopic parts of the glasses designed to help the patient see more clearly when performing certain actions. For example, the telescopic components may be used when:

  • Driving
  • Watching television
  • Reading
  • Watching wildlife

The glasses usually have the telescopic monocular or binocular positioned in just the right position so the individual wearing the glasses can adjust their head position to look through the lenses.

Who Could Benefit from These Unique Glasses?

Anyone who has a hard time performing certain tasks because of visual limitations could benefit from telescopic eyeglasses. With just a simple adjustment of the head position or eye direction, the individual can better see what it is they are peering at because they are looking through the telescopic lens. For instance, if someone normally has a hard time reading a fast-food menu, the patient could simply peer at the menu through the telescopic lenses.

Talk to Us About Telescopic Glasses in Charlotte, NC 

The eyes and the visual capabilities of every person can be so unique, and, sometimes, it takes a unique solution to help someone see better. If you believe you could be a good candidate for telescopic eyeglasses, reach out to us at The Low Vision Centers of North Carolina, a skilled and caring eye doctor serving Willmington and Charlotte.